Legal disclaimer

Website edition is a site published by Micropoda.

Company name: MICROPODA
Registred with the St-Denis de La Réunion company registry under the number 830 551 552.
APE business identifier code: 7120B
SIRET: 830 551 552 00029
Date of registration: October 5, 2017.
Logo: a winged dissecting scope mimicking an insect, in an incomplete green circle above the company name underlined with a green line.
Legal form: Limited liability company.
Capital of: 2,000 euros.
Intra-community VAT number:
Duration of the company: 99 years.
Financial year end date: December 31.
Filing of the deed at the registry: October 5, 2017.
Newspaper of legal notices: Le Quotidien, June 24, 2017.

2 rue de l'étoile du berger, résidence Jardin des épices, 97419 La Possession, Réunion - France.
Email: micropoda[at]

Intellectual property

The contents of this text site (images, animations, logos) are the exclusive property of Micropoda. The structure and design of the pages are produced by Micropoda from templates provided by OS Templates. Unless otherwise indicated, all photos are by Jacques ROCHAT and Dominique MARTIRÉ. Any total or partial representation of this site is subject to the prior written and express authorization of the authors. Micropoda and its logo are registered trademarks.

Limitation of liability

This site cannot be held responsible for errors encountered on the site, technical problems, the interpretation of the information published and the consequences of its use. Consequently, the user acknowledges using this information under his exclusive responsibility.

Site hosting

OVH Groupe SAS
a company registered with the Lille company registry under the number 537 407 926
2, rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix - France

How to cite this website or any content on this site

To refer to the site as a whole (example): Micropoda, entomological and environmental expertise. Website available at Accessed [date].
To refer to site content (example): Rochat J. & Legros V., editors (2017-2021). Micropoda: the entomofauna of Réunion. Available at Accessed [date].